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Long Term Benefits Of Remote Working

Since the COVID-19 pandemic, businesses across the UK have had to adapt to a new approach of working. This shift has seen offices close and employees working remotely from their homes. While some organisations are beginning to reopen, many businesses are considering the long term benefits of remote working.

Benefits of working from home

Here are the long term benefits remote working: 

Remote working is the new norm

Many larger businesses are still having to rely on on-site employees to operate effectively. However small businesses are realising the potential of remote working moving forwards. A recent report found that 21% of small firms and 15% of larger businesses in the UK are considering indefinite work-from-home setups.

Pre pandemic, organisations had concerns about employee’s productivity when working from home, but since the switch, productivity has increased for some. In the UK, two-fifths of small businesses are reporting productivity increases during the lockdown – here’s why.

Avoid bad office habits

Once employees become a little too settled bad habits can follow. Chatting with colleagues can quickly turn from the weather to office gossip, eating up precious time. Tension or discomfort can build distracting those from the work at hand.

Time in the office can be easy to waste. Fixing another cup of coffee, a lunch with friends which overruns and constant in person meetings all eat up valuable time. There are many habits employees develop over time in an office environment that decrease productivity. Implementing an effective remote working solution eliminates most.

Avoid a commute

Often employees with a long commute arrive to work already feeling drained, adding unnecessary stress before the day has started. In the long run not having to commute can increase productivity as employees are able to start their workday earlier.

Reports show three-fifths of UK employees report working during the time they normally spend commuting.

Improves work-life balance

It can be difficult balancing work and home, especially when we are spending most of our time in the office. Work responsibilities can often mean having to miss out on social commitments and hobbies. Employees can rapidly become burnt out with their job as stress and anxiety build.

Working remotely gives employees more control over their daily schedules. This allows individuals time to take care of personal tasks and improve their focus on work. Having a strong work life balance is important for maintaining motivation and decreasing employee turnover.

Remote work IT strategies have improved

As COVID-19 stunned the nation and brought a lot of unexpected changes, many companies have embraced the challenge. Businesses are now investing in remote working and IT strategies to keep up with the transition. By investing in improved technology, adopting powerful cloud solutions, and increasing communication efforts, many of the bumps and kinks related to remote working have been smoothed out.

In some cases, these new strategies and tools keep teams more connected than ever before. Without regular interactions in the office, employees must reach out to one another. Productivity tools keep everyone on the same page, and cloud solutions provide access to all necessary documents, programs, and functions.

Contact us today to learn how our solutions can streamline your work-from-home practices.

For more helpful information why not check out our previous blog.

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