
Passwordless Access

You must phase out passwords. 20% of security breaches, according to IBM, are the result of compromised credentials. Without a question, the market is indicating that it is time to switch to a more secure option. In 2022, 68% of enterprises use passwordless employee authentication services, such as Active Directory from Microsoft Azure.
This blog will delve deeper into why this change is taking place and where to start.

Passwordless Authentication

Microsoft cautions that using passwords to safeguard your data is no longer a good idea due to the sheer volume of assaults used to access your data. Passwordless authentication prioritises other security factors such as biometrics (fingerprints, facial scan), known devices and physical security keys over passwords. This method is significantly safer than simply having a password as it verifies the password user, providing an additional layer of security.

Advantages of going passwordless

• Greater security: Password-based authentication is less secure than passwordless authentication since passwords can be stolen. According to Microsoft, changing the contents of your passwords does not significantly improve security.  Password-less systems eliminate the two most common types of attacks, brute force and phishing attempts. Furthermore, 51% of people use their personal passwords for work, according to DataProt, which significantly increases the security risk.
• User-friendliness: Because passwordless solutions are simpler to use, they provide a better user experience than passwords. More than 80% of phones in North America, Europe, and Asia, as reported by Statista, have biometrics turned on, demonstrating that more people are choosing biometrics over conventional passwords. Workflow would be streamlined by having a quicker and simpler solution, as well as being prompted by single-tap push notifications, which are also advantageous from a security standpoint because they are challenging to forge and give prompt notification of malicious logins.
• Lower costs: According to Forrester, major organisations can spend up to $1 million annually on staffing for password resets. Alternative forms of authentication appear more cost-effective than outdated passwords, as many premium password managers have licencing fees.

How can you go passwordless?

The industry leader Microsoft Azure, can provide your business with a wide variety of authentication methods:

• Microsoft Authenticator: Allows users to turn their smartphone into a portable security key. This additional security ensures they always have an ever-changing credential in hand.
• FIDO2-compliant security keys: A highly secure method using a USB key for those requiring greater security, or where phones cannot be accessed.
• Windows Hello for Business: uses biometrics on a dedicated windows computer. Windows Hello also supports single sign on, improving your security posture.

Transitioning to passwordless

Windows Active Directory is incredibly simple to set up and can integrate the previously mentioned security layers. It’s straightforward and robust, and the best option for any organisation looking for an easy, secure solution.
Microsoft supply step-by-step instructions for setting up passwordless authentication. You can also decide which methods to use with which users, allowing you to tailor the service to your organisation’s needs. It is possible to ensure your company’s security with both a USB key and a phone key, allowing for a multitude of options.

Contact us today to learn more of the power of passwordless access.

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