IT Support for Insurance companies

Keep your data secure and protect your digital interests with our comprehensive support and security solutions, tailored to the insurance sector.

Digital transformation refers to the increasing utilisation of technology for business's daily tasks, improving efficiency and customer experiences. For insurance companies, this includes clients completing digital forms, storing confidential information in cloud databases and managing claims online. It’s therefore vital for insurance firms to enhance their data security to comply with industry regulations and stay up to date with the latest software to maintain their competitive edge. Whether you’re a start-up insurer or a large firm, having specialist managed IT support at your fingertips is essential.

What IT support can we offer insurance companies?

How can the insurance sector benefit from specialist IT support?

For insurance companies, data protection and security are key. Cheeky Munkey offers a reliable and quality IT support service for insurance firms so they can continue meeting their digital demands with confidence.


24/7 professional support: We offer rapid response times around the clock so you can avoid a shortfall of in-house expertise during IT emergencies.


Regulatory compliance: Insurance companies manage sensitive data and must comply with GDPR protection policies. We’ll ensure your databases are secure so your business meets all legal requirements.


Effective risk management: With our IT audit service, we’ll eliminate weak points in your current IT set-up to strengthen your network and reduce vulnerability to cyber security threats.


Flexible and scalable infrastructure: Insurance firms experiencing growth or planning to expand may need additional IT support to scale their infrastructure. Cheeky Munkey ensures reliable and scalable infrastructure to accommodate your firm's changing needs.

Why choose Cheeky Munkey IT support for your insurance company?

Cheeky Munkey will become your IT department, on hand whenever you need us, offering high-quality, tailored support for your insurance company. We’ll assist you in monitoring your servers and IT infrastructure either remotely or on-site, which is useful if you’re based in London or surrounding counties.

Cheeky Munkey prioritises cybersecurity, enforcing reliable measures to protect personal client data from cyber threats. Our specialist team conducts regular security audits, implements industry best practices and provides comprehensive backup and disaster recovery solutions in the event of data loss.

Our team of experienced IT professionals are committed to delivering proactive monitoring, prompt responses and continuous 24/7 support, ensuring your insurance company never has to worry about IT problems again. Plus, our client-centric approach means we will invest the time to understand your business’s unique requirements, offering personalised solutions and tailored IT support.

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