IT Support

Elevating your Business with IT Support

All businesses require a level of IT Support to make sure they can always work effectively and minimise any potential downtimes. It is obvious that businesses have significantly increased their expenditure on technology. Of course this is beneficial for the business, but, this brings complexity and change and this is where confident IT support is needed.

IT support that is in-house tend to spend a large amount of their time solving  breakfix issues and service requests. This can delay more business critical IT projects. Delaying technology advancement can lead to a loss in profits, unsatisfied employees and a poor customer perception. For businesses that do not have any IT support at all, well the disadvantages are obvious, large amounts of downtime and constant teething problems with technology.

IT Support for your business

Ensuring  IT Systems are Working 24/7

In todays day and age uptime and availability on cloud services is crucial.  If there is a failure in the system it can lead to numerous hours of down time, which will be detrimental for any business. IT support that operates in-house will ensure that the businesses systems are working effectively, but this may only be from 9am -5pm. If there is a major issue that happens overnight the in-house IT team will not see this until they log on in the morning.

Whereas many IT support providers offer 24/7 support, with software that is able to monitor your systems at all times. This outsourced IT support reduces workload for the in-house IT team as well as providing a better level of service.

Enhancing Security Posture

Over the past 12 months, 39% of UK businesses have identified some form of cyberattack against their business.

Partnering with an IT support provider will strengthen your security posture. You gain access to their expertise in cybersecurity and they make implementation on complex security solutions for your network, endpoints and users seamless. In the past year there has been a dramatic increase in the amount of cyberattacks, if these cybercriminals are successful they can lead to huge ransom fees, which can be devastating.

In order to mitigate the risk of a security breach a wide range of security controls and measures need to be in place. Enhancing your security posture will ensure yours and your customers data is in safe hands.

Aiding Digital Transformation

Technology is always evolving and everchanging. Without guidance and support from an established IT support provider you can fall behind and it can be expensive to catch up.

Partnering with a Manged Service Provider helps you to understand your business needs and desires, letting you focus on other aspects of their business and letting the MSP look after your IT systems. This will lead to an increase in productivity, employee satisfaction and revenue.

MSP’s can help to find and implement the correct solution that is unique to your business. Not only will they build and provide the solution but they will also manage and maintain this to ensure it is preforming as it should be.

Less IT Spend

Usually it is cheaper to outsource IT support rather than employing a person/team to manage your IT systems. It is more than likely that if a business does hire an employee to look after their IT they will be lacking skills in some areas. 9 times out of 10 it will be cheaper to outsource your IT support to an MSP and 9 times out of 10 the MSP will have a larger skill set than an in-house IT support team.


To expand on the previous point, as IT has become more complex, it is no longer possible to have a single employee that can manage all IT systems and support. Working with an IT support provider gives you access to a wide variety of knowledge, experience and expertise.

This includes specialisms in areas such as system administration, cybersecurity, cloud computing, database administration and more. As IT only grows more complex, relying on third-party support ensures that your business has access to all the expertise they need, all for a simple monthly cost.

In the last few years IT has progressed exponentially and it no longer seems feasible to have an individual person managing a businesses IT systems. Partnering with an IT support provider gives you access to a larger pool of knowledge and expertise, which can only be beneficial for your business. MSP’s will have expertise in specialised areas such as cybersecurity and cloud services, which have become increasingly more popular recently. Having strong security products and investing in Azure services will allow you to get ahead of the crowd.

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