IT Services

How to protect your business identity

All businesses live by their brand. A good visual identity can create positivity and trust for customers. Its also about character internally, your brand can effect how employees think about the business and their role. A strong brand will increase employee satisfaction and have a positive impact on company culture.

Protect your business identity

For some businesses, it can feel like a brand takes on a life of its own. The vast number of platforms it’s portrayed on and the way individual employees and teams present themselves can mean your brand quickly escapes the confines of its original meaning. It’s important, then, to make an active effort to keep your brand on track. Not doing so could lead to unhappy customers, unhappy employees, and ultimately lost revenue.

Brands can often take on a life of its own, the way the brand is portrayed on platforms and how employees present themselves can mean that the originally meaning of the brand is lost. It is important to keep you brand on the rights track, not doing so may lead to upset customers and employees.

What can you do to ensure your business keeps it brand in check?

Keep your brand in check

1) Ensure you have brand guidelines

On the rare occasion that an employee jeopardizes your brand on purpose, in most cases it comes from a lack of awareness. Employees may not be area that not having branding on a document can decrease the impact of the brand.

Having clear brand guidelines can help to prevent employees dilute the brand. These guidelines should try to cover as many scenarios as possible and be subject to regular updates, to account for growth as well as new media types and products.

2) Be consistent

Consistent brand guidelines will enable your business to stay on track with less confusion. A consistent brand makes sure you are continually fostering your audience. Inconsistencies create mixed messages that may be damaging in the long term. Make sure your assets are similar for all platforms to achieve consistency.

3) Monitor your brand

Brands can loose their strength and be displayed wrongly, this could be because of a lack of resource or lack time. Therefore, it is a great idea to setup monitoring tools!

4) Use the right tools to maintain control

As well as monitoring tools, you can use Microsoft 365 to make branding easier for employees, apps like Word and PowerPoint are easy to use and have templates built in that can  be used across all organisations.

The same applies to email, one of the most customer-facing communication methods is an email signature solution that can help you assign and manage signatures across the entire business. With minimal effort, you can ensure everyone has a strong signature that accurately represents your brand.

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